1. The characteristic (Figure ; Outward appearance photograph)
The VersaMed Inc. which was born in Canada in 1999 is the cutting-edge manufacturer who controls the concise mechanism which was polished for the catcher copy of "software-based smart mechanical ventilators" to show in the advanced software. "versatile" which is stored in the company's name is a versatility versatility meaning but with the as the name suggests, the places of the activity such as the ICU specification, MRI compatible, of the movement 用, of the home 用, the advanced monitor feature, the small light weight, the cheapness are wide. Oxygen can enter a low pressure gas, too. iVent201 can be chosen from the following 4 models. (1) The model with the chic model of the bay with home care (HC)-the minimum feature, (2) sub acute (SC), (3) Alta Nate care (AC), (4) intensive care (IC)-the maximum feature which was on
2. The performance
The mode .A/C(VC,PC)
Adaptive Bi-Level
Adaptive Flow
Adaptive Time
Backup Apnea Ventilation
Easy Exhale
Adjustable Rise Time
The taking air quantity of ventilation .50-2000 mlL
The intake gas flow rate .1-120 LPM
The maximum intake gas flow rate .180 LPM
Breathing number of times .1-80 BPM
The intake time .0.3-3 sec.
PEEP. .0-20 hPa
The weight .10 Kg (It includes a battery).
The power consumption .AC100-240v max 2.0A
DC 10-30v max. 8.5A
The battery operating time The 2 inner hours
3. The outline of the mechanism (Figure ; New Mattick schematic)
1) The blower assembly
The feature of the blower assembly is to make the pressure and the flow rate of the gas (that the oxygen and the air to supply a patient with were mixed) occur and to supply to the patient. Then, this assembly is composed of motor, feather, cover, housing, manifold. A motor is controlled in the voltage which is supplied from the power supply unit by permanent-magnet synchronous motor ー. This voltage occurs by the PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) method which is controlled by motored Leiber on the switching substrate. A turn is variably done for a feather to be installed in the axis of the motor and for set pressure and a flow rate to be gotten. Gas is inhaled from Mani fold which is situated on the blower assembly lower part.
2) The oxygen mixing system
As for the gas which is supplied by the patient from the ventilator, air and oxygen were mixed. The oxygen mixing system controls an oxygen concentration. This system is composed by the mixing valve (the stepper motor, "GIYA-", the shutter), the air inlet filter, the oxygen-tension power switch, the oxygen valve, moth Le Bas Nick method O'2 senser. Room air is stored inside the gas circuit through air inlet filter (5μ). Also, a muffler for the sound deadening is installed in this part. The shutter which was installed in the stepper motor controls the oxygen which is mixed with the air. It moves intermittently to become the oxygen concentration which was set with 100% of oxygen or air supplied to the shutter side of the far end. The measure of O'2 senser is used for the control of the position and the oxygen concentration of the correct shutter. In the inspiratory-phase, the blower supplies pressure, that Mani is falled. When the shutter is not in the position on the side of air, the oxygen valve opens and required oxygen is supplied, that Mani is falled. As for the expiratory-phase, it prevents a countercurrent in oxygen valve's closing.
3) The Solenoid-controlled valve system
Solenoid-controlled valve has two features. In to relieve an excessive pressure as the relief valve about one, another is to supply a required pressure corrugation. There are two pieces of Solenoid-controlled valve and it are composed of the valve (big and small) plunger, the spring which is made from silicon. A relieving feature with positive pressure is the one to keep safety and is automatically controlled. As for Solenoid-controlled valve, with the normally closed, in the inspiratory-phase of the patient, low pressure air is supplied. When the pressure exceeds the poor total range, Solenoid-controlled valve which is controlled in the spring opens and the air flow is the closed loop system which is done at the bypass from Mani fold. The pressure of the safe range is fixed by the spring. A Solenoid-controlled valve system is designed as the bypass of the tube. The next "of the short circuit", descending early in the pressure about the Solenoid-controlled valve system when open A required pressure corrugation is controlled by the program. The airway pressure descends that the valve opens early to the PEEP pressure level to the beginning every expiration. The corrugated control of the required pressure is done in changing the opening and shutting of Solenoid-controlled valve and the turning speed of the blower. Also, two pieces of Solenoid-controlled valve work because of the ""I-ZI-EKUSUHERU"" feature, too. It is that the pressure makes fall below the PEEP pressure level for expiration to be begun at the short time in the expiratory-phase and it realizes this feature.
4) The patient circuit (Figure ; patient schematic)
Gas from the ventilator does a patient circuit in the meeting and of it is supplied by the patient. As for the patient circuit, with the average 22-m caliber circuit, an one-way-valve and a flow rate sensor are had by the Y peace. PEEP is maintained in supplying a special exhalation-valve with the pressure from the ventilator.
5) The control system
The main CPU is 486 processors. It is supporting the memory, the floppy disk, the serial port, the IDE drive port and the VGA output which is used for the average PC. It adds and it supports a watch dock timer, a LCD display and PC104 bus is used. A key board, a RS232C serial port and then VGA monitor port are deployed at the main unit back. Main PCB has feature of all sensors, the control and the interface and controls a ventilator. (But, a power interface and "MO-TA-DORAIBA" are controlled by switching PCB).
4. The operation
1) The basic operating method (Figure ; Initial-screen)
When turning on the power, the self test is done and becomes a weight entry screen after that. It turns a control knob and it chooses weight, and it pushes and it fixes a knob. It becomes setting at the time of power off last time when choosing "last time". It begins in the operation when turning a control knob, adjusting a cursor to "START" and clicking a knob.
2) The modification method of the setting (Figure ; Setting screen)
It turns a control knob and it takes a cursor to the item to want to change, and it pushes and it chooses a knob, and it turns a knob and it enters value, and it pushes a knob after that and it fixes it. Because the mode selection screen comes out when taking a cursor to the mode, it moves a cursor to the desired mode, and it pushes and it fixes a knob. It becomes Adaptive when choosing "Jido" and it becomes the condition which does optimal value in the timely automatic-input.
3) The alarm setting
When adjusting a cursor to "MENU", pushing and choosing a knob Because Menu screen comes out, it chooses "alarm Settei", it lets out an alarm setting screen, and it presses ""NIYUURIYOKU"" and it makes setting possible, and it chooses the item to hope for after that and it enters desired value.
3) The characteristic of breathing mode
It is equipped with the feature which was named Adaptive Flow, Adaptive Rise Time, Adaptive Time, Easy Exhale. These are the feature to make an intake gas flow rate, the start-up speed, the intake time of intake and so on be adaptable to the respiratory condition of the patient, doing them in the self-regulation based on the actual measurement but the details of the control method aren't published. It will be the algorithm which automatically enters the value which is near the measurement intake gas flow rate in the setting intake gas flow rate. It seems to be automatically inputting in the same way the value which is near the actual measurement to the set value in the intake time, too. Adaptive Rise Time will be the algorithm which automaticallycontrols the gain of the servo loop for the overshoot and the under shot to become the least. Easy Exhale seems to be the function to suppress an increased pressure in the early stages of the expiration by entering an offset beforehand compulsorily beforehand in addition to the servo control which is due to the pressure *of* the control of the exhalation-valve.
4) The trigger formula
The use of float rigger 1-9LPM, and the pressure trigger-0.5-8cmH2O or either can be chosen. Both can choose off, too.
5) Bi-Level (Figure ; Bi-Level screen)
Bi-Level of iVent201 means NPPV mode. Note is necessary because it is a mode for the mask ventilation and the term and the meaning of used BIPAP and Bi-Level are different generally.
5. The monitor, the alarm (Figure ; Monitor screen) (Figure ; Loop screen)
At the alarm, it is breathing number of times, an expired volume per minute, pressure, an anaerosis, an oxygen concentration, a leak, a power, a battery condition, "NADOGAARU". A monitor feature is equipped with the function to display software of 診断 of various breathing such as the pressure and the volume and a pulmonary mechanics with the graphic corrugation of the pressure and the flow, and the actual measurement of the ventilation parameter, the pressure and the flow.
6. The patient circuit (Figure ; Patient schematic)
It was described in the outline of the structure. It uses a special circuit.
7. The maintenance
(For) 1,500 hours of use (or 3 months) every or it cleans a venthole for the cooling and an air inlet filter for the cooling as occasion demands (for) it (or). We use a cleaner and so on for the cleaning of a venthole for the cooling and a cooling air inlet filter. 500 hours of use(, 1 month) or it exchanges an air inlet filter as occasion demands. Re-application's being 不可 It recharges a battery pack safekeeping 90 day. It exchanges 2 every or as occasion demands. An actual lifetime is decided by the use and the caretaker-status. The other accessories follow a package-insert and an instruction manual. By the service engineer of the VersaMed specification, it exchanges PM kit for "NIYU-MATITUKUASENBURIBATUTERI-" and 5,000 hours every 10,000 hours or 2 years.
8. The fault
1) Because the Japanese menu is Katakana, it is difficult to read plainly. English mom is better.
2) Because the Bi-Level mode is the name for which it is easy to be misunderstood, it should make NPPV.
3) Because 486 processors control completely to the entry, from the graphic the control of the valve, there is possibility that there has been frieze like the PC. It feels to do young coming to an end dangerous because the software which doesn't have a bug is impossible. of general these with the other resuscitator It processes a share with more than one processor and it makes the stop of the equipment by the frieze a minimum. Also, it watches in general and there is automatically much, too, doing equipment such as the restart.
4) The reliability as the home business and not to stop, too, is an important performance. How will it leave a life with the PC at home which isn't watched over at the usual time?