NeoBeat (Figure ; Outward appearance photograph in one of neoveto)
1. The characteristic
MERA is the brand name of the Izumi carpenter medical department industry but the company which was established in the independence of the tolan cook hook who took charge of the development of the company is "METORAN" Inc.. As for that MERA humming II is done, with the manufacture of the "METORAN" Inc., the Izumi carpenter medical department industry became a sales agent. Later, that humming II is done became a discontinuance, that humming V is done was done in the newly developed by the "METORAN" Inc. and as for this, Daido Hoxan became a sales agent. At present, Iwaki Inc. is selling. On the other hand, the resuscitator department of the Izumi carpenter medical department industrial share type company was independent and became a Skynet Inc. and took over a that humming II is done distributorship and maintenance. It is a neoveto that the Skynet Inc. developed. Therefore, the neoveto and that humming V is done correspond to the relation of the cousin. The neoveto is the domestic resuscitator for the newborn baby which combined IMV with the HFO equipment of the piston drive system with the successor species of that humming II is done. The smallness, the light weight, the low power consumption, the resistance against vibration, the high-precision, the low price, the operability and so on are an improvement compared with that humming II is done.
2. The performance
1) The mode that it is possible to use
(All active-ventilations are done by the pressure relieving ventilation of time cycle.)
IMV, the pressure relieving
CPAP (The continuous flow)
2) This proximal dater
The continuous flow quantity (The fixation) .12LPM (The IMV mode)
.8LPM (The HFO mode)
The intake gas slew-rate L/s2
The maximum IMV number of times .50 BPM
The HFO number of times .15 The Hz (The fixation)
The maximum HFO amplitude of vibration .70‡pH2O¤26.4ml
3. The explanation of the control circuit, the controlling mechanism
1) The outline of the controlling mechanism
It is composed from the main control board and the display board. Z84 (8 bits) of Toshiba is used by microprocessor -.
2) The characteristic of the mechanical mechanism
The originality of the neoveto makes resistance to expiration gas in the HFO equipment and the jet gas of the piston drive system by the motor, reversing to the circuit of the patient of the side of the expiration and the mechanism which adjusts PEEP/CPAP pressure has it.
3) The gas flow rate measurement
It isn't possible to measure.
4) The intake valve
The continuous flow quantity is a stationary-type and the intake valve doesn't exist. The flow rate of the continuous flow is a fixation, in HFO, it is 8LPM and in IMV, it is 12LPM.
5) The expiration valve
The general exhalation-valve doesn't exist. In to jet out jet gas to the flow and the opposite direction of gas to the circuit of the patient of the side of the expiration, it makes resistance occur to the flow of the continuous flow and it improves a patient circuit internal pressure. In other words, the control of the maximum-inspiratory-pressure of the IMV mode and the average airway pressure by the PEEP/CPAP pressure, the HFO mode is fixed with the opposite injection quantity. However, there is not straight correlation to an opposite injection quantity and occurring pressure and it and are influenced by the gas flow rate and by the amount of leak on the side of the expiration and so on to it. It is the controlling mechanism which has a software learning-function that revises this.
6) The HFO equipment (Figure ; HFO equipment of neoveto)
There was an advantage that a beautiful signature corrugation is gotten in the HFO equipment of the piston drive system but there was a problem of the cohesion of drop of water by the compression and the abrasion of the mechanism inside the piston. In the neoveto, a piston is levelly set and as for drop of water, nature is discharged from the gutter in the cylinder lower part. A piston is installed in the condition which was exposed to be able to be easily exchanged. To adjust the amplitude of vibration of HFO in the past, it changes the stroke of the piston but in the neoveto, it changes an absorbed amount to the rubber reservoir. Therefore, a drive-mechanism is simplified. The stroke volume of the piston is 26.4 ml in the average of it but 30.1 ml, 33.9 ml can be chosen with the option of it.
7) The low-pass filter (Figure ; Low-pass filter of neoveto)
HFO drive is done from the side of the expiration but filter structure is laid down so as not for this amplitude of vibration to be absorbed with the chamber of the heating humidifier. As for this, 13 holes of 0.9 mm are open like the figure and for the early dense fog of 15 Hz to change, they become resistance but become resistance hardly to the continuous flow. When comparing with the that humming II is done impedance valve, the performance is excellent about the high durability in it being equal and simply and in the cheapness of it.
4. The new Mattick circuit (Figure ; New Mattick circuit of neoveto)
The O2/ The dense fog which typed in from the Air plumbing adjusts an oxygen concentration by gas blender (Bird microblender 3800) through each of filters FL.1, FL.2. PS1, PS2 are 2.0kg/cm.2It is the compression switch which operates when falling below. It is O on blender itself, too.2/ The pressure gap of Air is 1.4kg/cm.2The mechanism that the warning sound sounds is laid down if becoming above. It is 0.3kg/cm with decompression-valve PR3.2The gas which was decompressed in the boiling is controlled by the continuous flow of 8LPM in FC1. At the time of the IMV mode, the gas of 4LPM of opening FC3 is added and Solenoid-controlled valve SV3 becomes the continuous flow of LPM of 12 in amount. Low-pass filter LPF is preparatory so as not for the amplitude of vibration of HFO to be absorbed by the chamber of the heating humidifier. The purge style of 200 ml/min flows through the pressure monitor circuit with FC2. Pressure trance du Sir PT monitors a proximal airway pressure, but it releases PT in the atmosphere in the environment operating and 4 hours by hour by Solenoid-controlled valve SV2 and proofreads a zero point. When the high airway pressure alarm operates, Solenoid-controlled valve SV1 opens and this releases pressure of the circuit of the patient of the side of open intake in pressure-controlled valve PV. Pressure relief valve RV1 is 60‡pH.2It is the relief valve to miss pressure above the O. It controls a maximum inspiratory-pressure and PEEP/CPAP pressure, an average airway pressure (the time of HFO) with the opposite injection quantity of jet gas with jet unit JU. It is adjusted to 3.0kg/cm2 with decompression-valve PR2 and decompressed gas is adjusted to the optional flow rate with the fast charge sky valve EP. Piston unit PU is HFO generator, and the amplitude of vibration changes and it controls the degree to make a small rubber reservoir absorb. SV4 is Solenoid-controlled valve which stops the turn of the motor at the time of SIGH.
5. The control software
HFO and IMV can not be used.
1) The trigger formula
Currently, the trigger mechanism is not in the plan and can not not do PTV.
It blocks off the continuous flow of 12LPM in time cycle, it blocks off expiration gas in the jet style and it controls an inspiratory-pressure.
It is CPAP of the continuous flow method. Of intake request. of the patient however, circuit gas on the side of the expiration is done by the rebreathing because it is a valve less even if it exceeds a provision(=continuous flow quantity) but there are few patient circuit pressure declines.
In HFO of the piston drive system, in this case, the continuous flow becomes 8LPM. The brake works and the HFO driving motor stops when SIGH is valid only at the time of the HFO mode and pushes the SIGH button. It ends within 4 seconds even if it continues to push the button. Because number of rotations of gradually and the motor rises after the SIGH ending, the amplitude of vibration and the frequency rise gradually consequently.
5) The manual ventilation
Manual ventilation is done when pushing the SIGH button as well as the HFO mode.
6. The operation system (Figure ; Operating panel figure of neoveto)
It sets a maximum-inspiratory-pressure, PEEP/CPAP pressure, breathing number of times, a mode selection, an oxygen concentration, amplitude (the HFO amplitude of vibration) with the control. An alarm level is done to PEEP/CPAP(IMV), average airway pressure (HFO) and in +/-2‡pH2O, +/-4‡pH2O is done by the automatic setting to the actual measurement to the maximum airway pressure, the SIGH pressure. To expand an alarm range, it presses the button of "the setting change". According to the number of times to press, the former changes with +/-3, +/-4, +/-5 and the latter changes into +/-2‡pH2O with +/-5, +/-6, +/-7, +/-4.
7. The monitor, the alarm function
There is not an air quantity of ventilation monitor mechanism but the pressure alarm can be visually displayed in the large-sized LED display in addition to the caution.
8. The display feature
1) The display
It puts on an actual measurement with PEEP/CPAP, maximum airway pressure (the IMV mode), average airway pressure, SIGH pressure (the HFO mode) by the numeral display.
2) The interface
A digital output by the RS232C and the analog output of the airway pressure are prepared.
9. The patient circuit composition (Figure ; Patient circuit of neoveto)
A patient circuit was shown in the figure.
10. The daily maintenance
It checks in the beginning before use. A patient circuit, a piston are sterilized in the wash in the patient and also the constant period. Because the piston is consumables, it always prepares a spare.
11. The regular inspection
1) 6-month "TO"
It receives a periodic-maintenance-check. It exchanges a piston silencer.
2) 12-month "TO"
It exchanges piston ring, piston bearing, polyurethane joint, oxygen and air inlet filter, amplitude adjustment bag, O-ring kind, "WO" as occasion demands.
3) The others
It exchanges consumables inside as occasion demands.
4) The maintenance schedule
It receives a simple check in the installation site every 6 months. In 1, it does an overall check, an adjustment at the factory. It overhauls in 2 every years.
5) The piston
If the lifetime of the piston does regular inspection, and "O", "BA", "HO"-"RU", OK and the manufacturer comment 5 years. It checks every 5,000 hours and as occasion demands, it exchanges consumables such as the Teflon ring. It is processing the inside of piston cylinder - by special "KO"-the ting but it becomes a lifetime when it has been possible to take this.
12. The fault
1) Because the piston is outside, the maintenance is easy to do but the apparently isn't smart.
2) PTV isn't made.